Bryan Davis

WebGPU Boids Simulation

What are Boids?

"Boid" or "Bird-oid Object" is a simple artificial life simulation created by Craig Reynolds in 1986.
It simulates the flocking behavior of birds, fishes, herd animals and other similar creatures.
All the Boids shown on the left move forward with a constant velocity but steer themselves based on 3 simple rules :

  • Separation: A Boid will steer to avoid crowding its neighbors.
  • Alignment: A Boid will align itself towards the average heading of its neighbors.
  • Cohesion: A Boid will move itself towards the center of its neighbors.

Simulation Details

The Simulation allows for the modification of the strength and distance of all three parameters.
It also allows for the modification of the Boid velocity.
Each Boid cycles through colors based on its angle to allow for easier identification of its alignment compared to its neighbors.